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Python classes to use Raspberry Pi as master i2c on ESP32 using ESP32_i2c_slave library


This Python lib only works with the v0.2.0 of the c++ library

use **Raspberry pi as MASTER** of a **ESP32 SLAVE** on **i2c bus**

To use ESP32 as slave on i2c bus you have to use ESP32_I2C_Slave c++ library:

platformio lib_deps = ESP32 I2C Slave

because the esp32-arduino framework not allowed you to use ESP32 as i2c slave.

The ESP32 I2C Slave library do the job on 2 ESP32 or Arduino + ESP32 but not with python master on raspberry pi.

So i convert parts of this library to python classes.

To use these classes you must need to install:

pip install adafruit-blinka
pip install adafruit-extended-bus

Follow examples to read data from master RPI to slave ESP32:

to install it use pip:

pip install raspberrypi-esp32-i2c