Welcome to rpi timelapse gui
This timelapse app is a easy to install and easy to use en raspberry pi !
Why this project?
Because i need a timelapse solution who people can use it and install it easyly on raspberry
pi and to test the new Symfony 5.
How it's works?

Just set timelapse parameters and save it.
Behind the scene a cron task will take a picture by using your settings.

You can send every pictures to ftp server or keep them on the raspberry pi
Raspberry Pi 3B+ -
Raspberry Pi 3A
How to quick install it?
Just run:
- $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MkLHX/rpi_timelapse_gui/master/installer.sh
- $ chmod +x installer.sh
- $ bash installer.sh
Manual installation
# In manual installation, we assume:
- you have a http webserver like Apache2 / Nginx or Lighttpd and you manage configuration
- you have every dependencies installed
$ sudo apt-get install git cron php php-fpm php-cgi php-xml php-curl php-gd php-sqlite3 composer fswebcam ftp -y
# clone the repo
- $ git clone https://github.com/MkLHX/rpi_timelapse_gui.git
- $ cd rpi_timelapse_gui
# symlink public project folder to you webserver
- $ sudo ln -s /home/pi/rpi_timelapse_gui/public /var/www/timelapse
# give right ownership
- $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/timelapse
# copy .env to .env.local and edit
# install project dependencies
- $ composer install
# create database
- $ php bin/console d:d:c
# make migrations
- $ php bin/console make:migration
# force update db schema
- $ php bin/console d:s:u --force
# clear symfony cache
- $ php bin/console c:c
# fix mode on var
- $ sudo chmod -R 777 var